Building great relationships leads to an amazing life!

Love isn’t just about finding the right person,
it’s about becoming the right person.

How well do you understand your emotions and those of others around you?


Emotional Self-Awareness

Do you understand how your past experiences shape your approach to relationships? How well do you set and respect personal boundaries?


Conflict Communication

How effectively could you communicate your needs and listen to others?  Can you navigate conflicts without damaging your relationships?


Relationship Growth

Do you and your partner share similar values ​​and long-term goals? How well do you handle differences in opinions and lifestyle choices? 

Get Ready for Love: Choose Your Certification Level

1 — Silver

Self-Awareness Test

Understand attachement styles and personal triggers

2 — Gold

Relationship Skills Test

Learn conflict resolution, love languages, and active listening

3 — Platinum

Couples Compatibility Test

Avoid toxic patterns and build lasting connections

Falling in love is an emotional upheaval at any age, but for adolescents the feelings are likely to be even more difficult to manage.
Susan Moore, 2016

About us

Relationship Licence is a platform dedicated to empowering individuals and couples to build stronger, healthier relationships.

Our mission is to equip university students with the essential skills for creating meaningful connections through self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. We believe that learning how to navigate relationships should be as essential as any academic pursuit….

Happy Clients

The Relationship Skills test was a game-changer! My partner and I struggled with communication, and I never really understood how important love languages were. This certification provided practical exercises that helped us...
Portrait of a smiling young man wearing a green T-shirt with science text.
We’ve been together for two years, and this final certification gave us the tools to think seriously about our future as a couple. The compatibility exercises helped us discuss deep topics like values, life goals, and expectations...
Testimonial Image
I had no idea how much my past experiences shaped my relationships until I took the Self-Awareness test! Learning about my attachment style and emotional intelligence has completely changed the way I approach dating and friendships...
Testimonial Image

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Read all about building lasting, healthy relationships in the dating and premarital section of the Relationship Licence Blog

February 20, 2025

4 Tips to Build Everyday Trust in Relationships

February 20, 2025

Mindfulness Tips for Hard Conversations